Custom Material Properties - Stainless Steel Tab

This window is displayed when you press the ‘...’ button on either the Material tab of the Options window, or on the Section tab of the Section Inputs window. If you came from the Options window, you are defining the default material for new sections; it does not affect any existing sections. If you came from the Section Inputs window, you are defining the material for the current section only.

This tab will appear if the original material was a stainless steel. See also Carbon Steel Tab.

Material TypeThe designation for the type of material of the section.
Alloy FamilyChoose Austenitic, Ferritic, or Duplex. These are the types supported by the ASCE stainless steel specification.
Property DirectionsStainless steel properties may vary in the different directions. Longitudinal is parallel to the direction in which the steel was produced. CFS assumes this to be the direction of the longitudinal axis of a member. Transverse is perpendicular to the longitudinal direction, in the plane of the sheet.
Modulus, EThe initial modulus of elasticity, which is the slope of the stress-strain curve at zero stress.
Yield Strength, FyThe yield strength of the material as determined by the 0.2% offset. For shear, this should be set to 60% of the longitudinal compression strength.
Strain-Hardening Coefficient, nA coefficient indicating the linearity of the stress-strain curve (refer to the ASCE Specification).
Tensile Strength, FuThe tensile strength in the longitudinal direction.
Default ButtonThis button sets the material to the current default settings for the new sections (defined in the Options window).
Customize ButtonThis button allows you to customize the material currently being displayed. You may modify the name of the material, but CFS will always place the name inside brackets to identify it as a material not originally provided with CFS. You may also modify any of the numerical inputs, with some limitations imposed by CFS. The customized material will then become your default material for new sections.